Sunday, March 25, 2012

F1 Putus Hubungan Dengan Stasiun TV Indonesia

Musim Balapan F1 telah dimulai sejak seminggu yang lalu. Saya begitu excited menantikan moment come backnya Kimi Raikkonen. Berharap The Iceman ini jadi Juara Dunia lagi atau setidaknya naik podium di tiap balapan. Tapi sayang seribu sayang, saya harus gigit jari. Hari minggu yang lalu saya sudah siap-siap duduk manis depan TV dan menyetel stasiun TV yang biasanya menayangkan Formula One. Menunggu dari jam 12 siang hingga sore hari namun yang ada hanyalah tayangan komedi. Hoah…saya tidak begitu suka komedi. Sambil menunggu, saya pun gonta ganti channel dan mencari update balapannya di twitter. Meski agak puyeng membaca tulisan-tulisan yang banyak mention-mention dan retweet-retweetnya, paling tidak saya sedikit tahu perkembangan urutan pembalap. 

Hari ini saya masih menunggu di depan TV, tapi hasilnya nothing. F1 tetap TIDAK ADA. Huhh, menyedihkan, mengecewakan dan melelahkan. Cari-cari di internet juga, tidak ada kejelasan. Mau nonton lewat TV kabel, mau nonton dimana juga? Gak punya saluran TV kabel. Mau nonton via internet, koneksinya lambat. Oh F1…dimanakah saya bisa menontonmu. Big Question!!! Apakah tayangan F1 telah putus hubungan dengan stasiun TV di Indonesia? Kalau begitu saya dan jutaan penggemar F1 di Indonesia harus turut berduka cita.  :’(

Friday, March 23, 2012

What Makes You Beautiful

          All of the things in this world are beautiful. No matter what color they are or what shape they are, they are still beautiful. Some people find the beauty in physical way. And some others find treasure behind the junkyard; see the beauty from the inside.

         Beauty is when you know what clothes conform to yourself, when you do the positive things, and when you smile to the world. Just believe that you have a true beauty in yourself. I’m beautiful and I know it. What makes you beautiful?

Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.
#Ralph Waldo Emerson

Beauty is not in the face;
beauty is a light in the heart.
#Khalil Gibran

Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.
#Franz Kafka

Beauty... when you look into a woman's eyes and see what is in her heart.
#Nate Dircks

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.

Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty - they merely move it from their faces into their hearts.
#Martin Buxbaum

The true beauty of a woman is her inherent ability to make better a man in every way.
#Don Williams, Jr

Bangun Tidur Kesiangan Jadi Perawan Tua?

Dari dulu orang-orang tua kita selalu berkata pada anak gadisnya, “Jangan bangun tidur kesiangan nanti jadi perawan tua.” Banyak yang percaya, banyak juga yang tidak. Anak zaman sekarang bilang, “Loh, apa hubungannya?” Itu hanya mitos orang-orang zaman behuela. Nah, orang tua menjawab, "Kena baru tau rasa kamu." Tapi, kalau dipikir-pikir secara logika ada benarnya juga. Kenapa? Coba saja bandingkan nih. Cewek yang selalu bangun cepat dipagi hari, sudah pasti termasuk cewek yang rajin dan disiplin. Sedangkan cewek yang selalu telat bangun identik dengan kata ‘MALAS’, artinya cewek itu pemalas. Mana ada cowok yang mau menikah dengan cewek pemalas. Bisa-bisa nanti kalau sudah menikah, urusan rumah tangga jadi terbengkalai.

Nah, sekarang apakah saya juga percaya pada mitos itu? Setiap pagi mama selalu berteriak membangunkan kami semua anak-anaknya (pokoknya semua yang cewek dan yang cowok). Saya yang mungkin anak yang penurut, takut dimarahi, langsung terbangun begitu mendengar sedikit saja suara mama. Sering kali sementara saudara-saudaraku masih terlelap dalam tidurnya, saya sudah bolak-balik beres-beres membersihkan rumah. Kakak laki-lakiku yang tertua paling susah kalau dibangunkan. Begitu pula saudara sepupuku yang cewek yang memang hobinya tidur. Lantas apakah dengan demikian saudara laki-laki dan sepupuku itu akan jadi perjaka dan perawan tua? Kenyataannya tidak. Kakak laki-lakiku telah menikah dan saudara sepupuku yang usianya jauh lebih muda dariku akan segera naik pelaminan. Sementara saya, jangankan akan menikah, calonnya saja belum ada.

Terbukti kan, mitos itu tidak berlaku. Terserah anda percaya atau tidak.

#sedikit curhat nih. :(


Sunday, March 18, 2012

How to Persuade People

Imagine you had ability to convince people to do anything you wanted. Sounds impossible? It’s actually not that difficult. Some people, like salesmen and cult leaders, devote their lives to master the art of persuasion. When you don’t have the authority to command people, you have to use subtle psychological means to persuade them. Before starting your case, it is important to understand the nature of your audience, who they are and why they think the way they do.

These are some tips to persuade people:
·        Gain their trust – People will automatically be cautious of anyone who is trying to change their minds. Show them why you should be heard. You must know what you’re talking about, and prove that there is good reason why you think the way they do.
·     Find common ground – show your audience that your values and ideas are in harmony with their own. Again, you need to put your self in their shoes, understand their concern, and be sympathetic to their feelings.
·      Structure it well – when listing reasons why people should listen to you, save your most powerful points for last, as they will linger in their minds of your captive audience. Also, repeat your most important argument.
·      Show both sides – weigh the pros and cons of your ideas, as doing so will make you seem fair and reasonable to others. The trick here is to emphasize the pros and make light of cons.
·        Appeal to self-interest – for this to work, you’ll need to know what your audience’s needs are. Grab their attention by telling them you know what they want, then tell them how your idea will satisfy that.
·         Feed their ego – find things that your audience takes pride in, such as their intelligence or their hobbies. When you compliment people, it shows that you recognize their qualities. They will feel appreciated and more open to your words.
·       Appeal to the authority – everyone listen to experts. If an expert says something, it must be true. So use them in your talk. Find out how your idea has been approved by specialist in this area.
·      Create consensus – most people are influenced by what others are doing. You need to show that what you want is approved by a large number of people. Use examples of how your ideas are successful else where, or how others have enjoyed them.
·     Time your request well – Learn to measure the general mood and how receptive people will be to you. Avoid approaching people with requests during times of great stress, anxiety, or grief.
·         Be unique – it’s a simple law of economics: the scarcer something is, the higher its price. Make yourself or your ideas seem unique or rare.
·    Be confident – you have to believe in your ideas before you can convince others of it. If you have any nagging doubts, it will show. You are your own best supporter, so you better have faith in your cause.
·       Be interesting – you need to be unique and energized, showing that you are excited about your idea. Appeal to their senses as much as you can.
·        Be reasonable – people like to think they are reasonable, so appeal to their sense of reason. Logic is highly valued in business, and your presentation should have a logical format.
·    Be diplomatic – you must treat your audience as you want to be treated. Speak in a proper tone. Don’t yell or talk down to them. More importantly, don’t make them feel foolish from thinking differently from you.
·        Be modest – speak politely and show that you are a modest person. Although you believe your idea is better, if you give a sense of arrogance, people will stop listening. Be realistic and accept that you may be turned down.
Andrew Young, US politician, and ambassador to the UN from 1977-79, said that, “Influence is like savings account: the less you use it, the more you’ve got.” Learn how to use your powers of persuasion well and at the appropriate moments.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Monday, March 5, 2012

Is there equality in education for girls in Indonesian schools

Long time ago, when Indonesia was still colonized, the women just stay at home doing the house chores. They could only see the world outside through the window. Girls couldn’t go to school. From the past to the present day, many people tend to assume that boys and girls are different. That’s true if we talk about the sex and the physical. In other side, boys and girls are equal in terms of skill. What about in school, is there equality in education for girls in Indonesian schools? I dare to say YES. 

Based on the new National Education System Law of July 2003, a national education system should ensure equal opportunity, improvement of quality and relevance and efficiency in management to meet various challenges in the wake of changes of local, national and global lives. It means that all people in the society and all genders have the same right to get the proper education.

According to my experience as a teacher at Islamic boarding school, there’s no difference in case of the lessons for boys and girls. The girl students aren’t doubt to compete with the boys. When the students have to clean their classroom, boys and girls should work together to sweep the floor, erase the whiteboard, take out the garbage, etc. The teachers also give the same rules for all of the students, except about the uniform. So, there will be no gender discrimination anymore.

Friday, March 2, 2012

March Design

Tampil elegan dengan dress bermotif

My Broken Heart

Merasakan pahit sebelum merasakan manis
Sayap patah sebelum terbang ke angkasa
Terjatuh  sebelum bisa berlari
Layu sebelum berkembang
Oh, My heart is broken falling into pieces

My Favorite quotes to express the sad feeling….

Don't hold on to something that was never there.
Sometimes we have to forget what we feel and realize what we deserve.

Never think that you are not good enough for anyone; always ask yourself if they are good enough for you.

Why am I afraid to lose you when you're not even mine...

What happens when he's your prince charming, but you're not his Cinderella?

We always ignore the ones who adore us, and adore those who ignore us.

Waiting for you is like waiting for rain in a drought

“Take time to be sure, but be sure not to take too much time.”
by Alice Walker ~