Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Most Beautiful Korean Actress (Kim Tae-Hee)

I love watching Korean dramas/Korean movies and if someone asks me, who’s the most beautiful Korean actress? I’ll say, she is Kim Tae-Hee, right? She has beautiful eyes and sparkling teeth. When she’s smiling, I bet, everybody will be fascinated. She looks so natural with long black hair and her white skin. Her height is 165 makes her look very cute.
Kim Tae-Hee in a scene of Love Story in Harvard
Kim Tae-Hee is popular for her roles in the TV series such as Stair Way to Heaven, Love Story in Harvard, and My Princess. She was born on March 29 1980 In Uslan, South Korea. She graduated from Seoul National University with a major in Fashion Design. She was excellent in academic; in middle school she had an average of ‘100 for all subjects throughout her three years in middle school.
She began her career as a commercial model in the television in the late 90s. Her career in entertainment was budding through her antagonist characters in Stair Way to Heaven; she acted as a bad stepsister. Then, she was honored with the Best Female Newcomer award for her acting in supernatural series, Forbidden Love. After that, Kim appeared in campus romance series, Love story in Harvard alongside Kim Rae-won in 2005. Her role as a diligent and a smart medical student of Harvard University succeeded get many Korean Drama Lovers’ attention.
Kim then appeared in 2 films, The Restless with Jung Woo-Sung and Venus and Mars with Sol Kyung-gu. In 2009, she starred in one of the most expensive dramas ever produced, action thriller Iris with Lee Byung-hun.  And the latest from Kim, she played a character in romantic comedy series, My Princess alongside Song Seung-heon.

                                           She's beautiful, isn't she?
                                                       b ^_^ d
                                                 Maryunita Mark

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Sewaktu kecil dulu, orang tua, kakak, bapak/ibu guru mungkin pernah menasehati kita bila sedang tak sabaran menanti sesuatu dengan berkata. "Bersabarlah...karena orang sabar disayang Tuhan." Saya hafal betul kalimat itu tapi waktu itu belum mengerti apa maksudnya.

Kesabaran adalah salah satu bentuk keimanan. Kesabaran merupakan self control atau sikap menahan terhadap segala gejolak dalam diri yang berlebihan seperti keinginan, emosi, dan juga dalam menghadapi ujian dari Allah. Dengan bersabar berarti kita sedang meniti langkah menuju tahap bersyukur. Jangan pernah takut bersabar karena sabar bukan berarti kalah atau tidak mendapatkan apa-apa.

Dalam ajaran Islam kita dianjurkan untuk bersabar karena Allah SWT telah menjanjikan pahala yang berlimpah bagi hamba-Nya yang bersabar dan bukan hanya itu Allah juga akan memberikan balasan sebagai hikmah dari kesabaran tersebut. berikut adalah beberapa kutipan arti dari ayat Al Quran tentang kesabaran.

“Hai orang-orang yang beriman, bersabarlah kalian dan kuatkanlah kesabaran kalian dan tetaplah bersiap siaga (di perbatasan negeri kalian) dan bertakwalah kepada Allah supaya kalian beruntung.” (QS. Al ‘Imran:200)

"dan Allah mencintai orang-orang yang sabar..." (QS. Al Imran: 146)

"dan sesungguhnya Kami akan memberikan balasan kepada orang-orang yang bersabar...." (QS. An-Nahl: 96)

"Sesungguhnya hanya orang-orang bersabarlah yang dicukupkan pahala mereka tanpa batas..." (QS: Az Zumar: 10) 

“Hai orang-orang yang beriman, mintalah pertolongan (kepada Allah) dengan sabar dan (mengerjakan) shalat, sesungguhnya Allah beserta orang-orang yang sabar.” (QS. Al-Baqarah:153)

Manusia memang diciptakan dengan segala keterbatasan. Kesabaran pun ada batasnya. Oleh sebab itu, kesabaran harus senantiasa dipupuk oleh ibadah lainnya seperti shalat, zakat, puasa, sedekah, dan sebagainya.  Bersabarlah...dan Insya Allah, Allah akan memberikan solusi yang terbaik dan melimpahkan segala anugrah-Nya kepada kita. Amin...Ya Rabbal Alamin.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

My Dreams and the Future

You may call me a big dreamer, but I’m not the only one in the world. I believe that dream is the beginning of a hard work. And when we've tried so hard, we can get successful. If God offer me to ask five wishes, I’ll ask these things: 

* Go to Ireland

 Ireland is one of the most beautiful countries. And, I like Ireland the most. It’s because my favorite boyband is from there.  But my biggest reason is because this country is peaceful, quiet, and green. I’ve read many articles and I’ve seen many pictures about this country. Hmm…Sligo is my prime destination. The more I know, the more I want to go there. Unfortunately, I don’t have much money to have a vacation there. But, I believe someday this dream will come true. 

Have a green home
If I have much money, I’ll build a beautiful green home. The house should be sturdy and big enough to accommodate my family. It consists of one big living room, one big family room, five bedrooms (two of them have bathrooms inside), a dining room with  a set of big dining table, a kitchen, one bathroom outside the bedrooms, a toilet, front and back terrace. It has a balcony on the second floor to see the view around the house. Most of the furniture is in green nuance. Green color can make me feel more comfortable.
* Have a beautiful garden

The green home is not perfect without a beautiful garden. With a wide yard in front of and behind the house, I’ll plant many different kinds of flowers and plants such as roses, jasmines, orchids, Bougainville, achilea, camellia, palm trees, etc.  There will be a fishpond with a little bridge on it.  The garden should be arranged very well.

Have a beautiful daughter
I used to dress up and make up when I was still a little girl. I used to wear my mom’s clothes. And when I grew up, I liked to dress up my little sisters. Hehe…of course we looked very strange with that make up and dress, but we felt so happy. Now when I see a beautiful little girl, I wonder if I have a little daughter. I will do what I used to do. I will buy or make many different beautiful dress, shoes, and accessories for her. I will also teach her to be a polite and a smart girl. 

* Have a boutique
     I love fashion and I love shopping. I like to see many different kinds and colors of clothes. That’s why I really want to have a boutique. I will make it comfortable and more comfortable with a warm smile and greet. I won’t buy clothes from the other shops, but I’ll make it by my self. I can design beautiful dresses. Well, actually I’m still trying to learn to sew clothes. But, that’s not a big problem, I’m a hard worker. People can order the clothes they want. And if the clothes that are already made aren’t fit on their body, I can adjust the clothes to their body sizes.  My boutique will be different from the others. 

"Don't let go of your dreams. If you have determination and belief in your dreams, you will succeed in spite of your desire to let go." - Catherine Pulsifer, from Don't Let Go Of Your Dreams...

      Yes, I believe the power of dreams....

The Smartest People in the World

Hello, I’m just an ordinary teacher and I have a little brother who is still studying at junior high school. Every time, I always try to motivate my students and my little brother to be better and to be the smart kids. That’s why, I looked for articles about the smartest people. I hope it can be a good reference or a good model that can inspire them. And absolutely for me too.
Here are some of the smartest people in the world….
 Dr. Prof. Muhammad Sabieh Anwar (Born 1970) is a Pakistani physicist and an electrical engineer who has made instrumental and world class research to the field of Quantum computing. Muhammad Sabieh Anwar was born in Lahore, and had received his education from there. He attended the University of Engineering and Technology where he received B.Sc with honors in Electrical engineering from there in 1998. He did his M.Sc. in physics from the same institution, and won the Rhodes scholarship in 2000. The same year, he became a Rhodes Scholar and travelled to United Kingdom to attend University of Oxford to gain his doctorate in physics. Anwar received his D.Phil in Quantum physics from Oxford University in 2004. His dissertation was titled, "Quantum Information Processing using Para-Hydrogen NMR" and revolved around the preparation of pure quantum states for quantum computing".
He is most renowned for his research to the field of NMR and Quantum Computing. He is also founder and Joint Secretary of Khwarzimic Science Society. . He has published sixteen papers in the field of NMR and Quantum Computing.

 Kim Ung-Yong  who was born on March 7, 1963, is a Korean former child prodigy. He scored a 210 IQ on the Stanford-Binet test according to the Guinness Book of World Records. He began to learn differential calculus at the age of three. He was able to read and write in Japanese, Korean, German, and English by his fourth birthday.
At the age of four, on November 2, 1967, he solved complicated differential and integral calculus problems on Japanese television, demonstrated his proficiency in German, English, Japanese, and Korean, and composed poetry. At the age of seven he was invited to the United States by NASA.[1]. He finished his university studies, eventually getting a Ph.D in physics at Colorado State University [1] before he was 15. He got his Ph.D. in physics at Colorado State University when he was 16 years old.

 Christopher Michael Langan is the smartest man in America. Langan was born in San Francisco and spent most of his early life in Montana. He began talking at six months, taught himself to read before he was four, and was repeatedly skipped ahead in school. During high school he started teaching him self, advanced physics, math, philosophy, Greek and Latin. Then he went to college but dropped out because he thought he could teach the professor more than they could teach him.
This guy has had a rough life. As a kid he was abused by other kids and even his step father because he was smarter than all of them were. For over 20 years he worked several jobs, he worked as construction worker, cowboy, forest service firefighter, and farmhand. In 2004, Langan moved with his wife Gina (née LoSasso), a clinical neuropsychologist, to northern Missouri, where he owns and operates a horse ranch. On January 25, 2008, Langan was a contestant on NBC’s 1 vs. 100, where he won $250,000.

 Marilyn vos Savan was born in St.Louis Missouri on August 11, 1946; she is an American magazine columnist, author, lecturer, and playwright who rose to fame through her listing in the Guinness Book of World Records under “Highest IQ”. She was named one of fifty “Women of the New Millennium” by the White House Vital Voices: Women in Democracy campaign. She was a winner of a “Women Making History” award from the National Women’s History Museum. Marilyn is the recipient of honorary Doctorates of Letters.
Since 1986, Marilyn has been writing the "Ask Marilyn" question-and-answer column for Parade, the Sunday magazine distributed by 379 newspapers, with a circulation of 34 million and a readership of 79 million, the largest periodical in the world. Questions from readers range from philosophical to mathematical to "just plain nuts," as Marilyn puts it. Her most recent books are Growing Up: A Classic American Childhood and The Art of Spelling, both published by W.W. Norton.

As I always say to my students and my brother, “Even though you’re not good looking, but you will be much more charming and impressive if you have intelligent brain or brilliant idea.” It’s not about how high our IQ is, but it’s about how hard we’ve tried to be smarter.


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Inspirasi Kebaya dan Victorian Dress



Kebaya merupakan busana tradisional Indonesia yang terbuat dari bahan kain kasa yang dipadupadankan dengan sarung, batik atau songket. Kebaya dipercaya berasal dari Arab  yang dalam bahasa Arab disebut ‘abaya’. Kata kebaya berasal dari bahasa Arab “kaba” yang berarti “pakaian”. Pada abad ke 15 kebaya hanya dikenakan oleh golongan keluarga kerajaan di Jawa.  Selama masa penjajahan kebaya juga dikenakan oleh wanita-wanita Eropa sebagai pakaian resmi. Kebaya adalah simbol feminisme atau keanggunan wanita Indonesia.
Kebaya tradisional dengan design sederhana dan potongan lurus disebut kebaya kartini.  Selain itu, ada pula kebaya encim yang dipopulerkan oleh wanita keturunan cina yang berbahan katun dan dengan model potongan yang lebih pendek dengan hiasan berwarna disertai aksen lace di pinggirnya.
Seiring perkembangan zaman, kebaya mulai populer di seluruh kalangan wanita Indonesia pada akhir abad ke 19. Kini kebaya telah mengalami berbagai modifikasi bahan dan tambahan pernak-pernik sehingga sangat pas bila dikenakan dalam acara pernikahan. Kebaya telah menjelma menjadi kebaya modern dengan design-design yang menarik sehingga kebaya tidak hanya dikenakan dalam pertemuan formal saja, tapi juga dalam berbagai kesempatan.
Setiap tanggal 21 April banyak wanita dan anak-anak perempuan mengenakan kebaya untuk memperingati hari Kartini. Bahkan salah satu perusahaan penerbangan di Indonesia menggunakan kebaya sebagai seragam resmi wanita.

Victorian dress

Victorian dress adalah gaun wanita Eropa sekitar abad ke 17 hingga abad ke 19. Gaun ini merupakan gaun yang memiliki ciri khas dengan model rok mengembang yang menggunakan kurungan di bagian dalamnya sebagai penyanggah yang bertujuan agar rok terbentuk dengan sempurna. Selain itu untuk memperindah bentuk tubuh khususnya pada pinggang gaun ini juga dilengkapi dengan penggunaan korset.
Gaya Victorian adalah kombinasi dari kedua warna terang dan gelap yang diletakkan di atas kain mahal dan biasanya diberikan desain yang rumit. Pada tahun 1840-an, Victorian dress terus berkembang, rok dibuat dengan lipatan (ruffles mendalam), biasanya dilipatan ketiga berkumpul erat di bagian atas dan menegang dengan kepang bulu kuda di bagian bawah.
Pada era Victoria cara berpakaian terbagi ke dalam 3 kelompok berdasarkan kelas sosialnya. Kelompok pertama yaitu kelompok kelas atas yang terdiri dari kaum bangsawan yang mengenakan kain yang paling mahal, serta desain dan warna yang elegan. Kelompok kedua yaitu, kelas menengah yang kebanyakan adalah pedagang yang mengenakan gaun berbahan kain yang lebih murah dari yang dimiliki kalangan bangsawan. Dan kelompok ketiga yaitu kelompok yang tidak mengenakan busana ala Victoria. Mereka adalah golongan miskin, jadi mereka mengenakan pakaian apapun yang dapat digunakan untuk melindungi tubuh. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pakaian ala Victoria dikhususkan untuk kalangan menengah ke atas.
Selama ratu Victoria memimpin, wanita-wanita Perancis dan Inggris tampak elegan dan anggun. Dress panjang mengembang dianggap sebagai simbol kesopanan kaum wanita. Bahkan hingga saat ini Victorian style masih menginspirasi banyak designer dalam merancang busana-busananya. Akhir abad ke 19 merupakan era reformasi Victorian Dress, banyak orang mulai beranggapan bahwa dress panjang dengan rok mengembang cukup menyiksa dan menghambat aktifitas. Setelah itu muncullah beragam inovasi pada gaun wanita. Gagasan perempuan memakai celana yang bergema di Amerika mulai meluluhkan penampilan wanita bergaya Victoria perlahan mulai tenggelam oleh kepopuleran celana jeans.

Pilih mana, Kebaya Kartini atau Victorian Dress?
Kalau saya suka keduanya.  Kamu???

Maryunita Mark  ^_^

Friday, May 6, 2011

When A Woman Loves A Man

I really love this song    
♥ ♥ ♥

Women are like jewels.
They are beautiful.

Women are like steel.
They can be strong.

And women are like cork.
They can be easily to be broken.

But remember, women are like weed.
they can be leafier when they have been trampled and crushed down......

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Manicure Pedicure???

Beberapa tahun yang lalu saya tidak tahu apa itu manicure dan pedicure. Saya hanya sering mendengar di televisi kalangan selebrities menyebut-nyebut kata meni pedi. Sekarang istilah manicure dan pedicure bukan lagi hal yang asing di kalangan wanita. Kebanyakan wanita berlomba-lomba menjadi cantik dengan melakukan perawatan salon super lengkap mulai dari rambut, wajah, tubuh, sampai kuku.

Manicure adalah perawatan jari-jari tangan terutama pada kuku. Teknik French manicure adalah teknik perawatan kuku ala Perancis yang sudah dikenal sejak lama dan sekarang sedang trend. Teknik semacam ini dilakukan dengan cara mengoleskan cat berwarna putih pada ujung kuku dan warna merah muda pada bagian sisanya. Teknik ini dipercaya dapat membuat kuku tampak indah, segar, dan alami.

Hampir serupa dengan manicure, pedicure adalah perawatan pada kaki agar terlihat indah dan sehat. Jika kaki tidak dirawat dengan baik maka akan timbul masalah yang tidak diinginkan seperti bau, tumit pecah-pecah dan kapalan. Untuk menghindari hal-hal tersebut, tidak heran bila para wanita menghabiskan banyak uang untuk ke salon.  Perlu diketahui bahwa perawatan kaki bisa dilakukan dengan cara sederhana di rumah. Tentunya dengan cara menjaga kebersihan kaki, kelembapan, dan jangan biarkan terlalu sering kena air. Hal yang paling utama adalah secara berkala memotong kuku kaki. Untuk kulit kaki kering, dapat diatasi dengan cara mengoleskan lotion khusus untuk kaki.

Almost everybody says that I always go to the salon to get manicure and pedicure treatment. No, I don't.....I'm not a kind of girl who likes to spend my money and my time at the salon. I can treat my self at home with my own way. It's me Maryunita Mark...  ^_*

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I am Evergreen

Green is my favorite color. Green is very close to the nature such as forest, lakes, rivers, trees, and grass. I love the nature, that's why I love green too.

Green is beautiful. When I see a girl/ a woman  wearing a green dress, she looks so pretty. When I see a boy/ a man wearing green shirt, he looks very handsome. When I see a green thing, it looks so beautiful.

Green is healthy. I've read an article that a green environment can make kids are more intelligent. And of course, if we want to stay healthy we have to eat a lot of green food such vegetables and fruits. Green is also good for our eyes.

Green is peaceful. Green is a color that is often mentioned in Al quran. It's a symbol of Islam. It represent the freshness of religion returned for the worship of God.  It is something related to the humanities' love. So, when we are loved by someone, we feel that our mind is cool, calm and peaceful.

Green is happy. Yeah Green... I'm beautiful. I'm healthy. I have a peaceful life. I'm Happy....
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